Stencil Artist Lawrence Limtao
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Stencil artist Lawrence Limtao, makes mesmorizing things with cardboard and spray paint. In fact, he makes art at events all over California.
In the first place I met Lawrence at a skatepark. Adjacent to the 605 and 91 freeway is a little skateboardpark called Caruthers or Bellflower. I used to skate there many a morning with my old friends from Skatopia. Many older skaters choose the early morning session for its lack of crowds.
Eventually we got to know three skaters. And those skaters were Anthony, Allen , and Lawrence. We would ask them how they could be skating on a school day. And they told us that they were home-schooled.
Well, one of those kids turned out to be Lawrence from Spank. And his art can be found on skateboards all around the world. In fact if you attend a local skate event in Southern California, you are likely to run into Lawrence. Check out our conversation.
Related Links
Spank on IG and Spank on the web
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