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Welcome to part 2 of Poseiden Foundation founder Micaela Ramirez podcast. Part 2 covers how Micaela came up with the concept for Poseiden Foundation. And in podcast Micaela creates the “Team Dream Legends Tour Ecuador”! And there are interesting adventure stories! Stories about being tear gassed and running from machetes. Micaela talks about helping some famous skaters reach their professional goals.
podcast Part 2
- 2018 car accident
- Violet Kimble
- Humanitarian Outreach
- Laura Thornhill
- Eliana Sosco
- Using
- skateboarding to bring hope joy inspiration and passion
- Poseiden Foundation is looking for skateboard trucks
- “Who has the worst shoe contest”
- Skateboarding Without Drugs
- embracing your culture
Poeseiden Foundations 10th annual Ladies Day
- My purpose came forth on Ladies Day
- wanted it to be a weird fun gathering
- The hippy jumper won a box of meat.
“Team Dream” Legends Tour Ecuador
- skateparks
- eco tourism
- world class surfing
- habitat building
- hot spring next to a glacier
- Laura Thornhill
- Robin Logan
- Steve Cabalerro
- Tony Hawk
The invention of skateboarding
- Skateboarding came through a level of consciousness.
some of the NEGATIVE realities of running a foundation
- When you help or mentor someone and they harm you later.
- Learning to set up boundaries.
- Givers need to set limitations because takers have no limits.
- Accessing personal motives in what we do.
school days
- You gotta know the rules in order to break them
- Peta
- James Patterson (When the Wind Blows)
- Junior Burke mentor / teacher
- Hunter S Thompson used to lurk in Boulder
- independent artistic films
- in order to make a change in this world
- you have to be open, wherever you go there is that exchange X-change
- Oaxaca first time she worked with a non-profit.
- Studied at a Catholic University in Ecuador at a time when there was political unrest.
- Obtained doctors notes in order to attend protests.
- protests, tear gas, and machetes
- Escape to Gringolandia Ecuador
- exploring various cultures
- exploring various political parties
origins of the Poseiden Foundation
- Realizing the influence of skaters like Vanessa Torez on people outside of the US.
- “skateboard, children, women, wow!”
- 1990’s they didn’t want to take the girls on tour because they thought they were too wild.
- Lets build a platform where these ladies can give back to the community.
- Outside of the US outside of the skateboarding industry but giving back to the industry.
- Origins of the Poseiden Foundation
argentina 2007
- Sold out the first female and male skateboarding contest.
- Same year went to Brazil and met Leticia Bufoni, and helped her and her father get to the US for X-Games.
regarding difficult moments
- Life is a roller coaster, you just gotta hold on.
a question from micaela for you
- What motivated you in skateboarding?
Related Links
- Micaela Ramirez podcast part I
- Poseiden Foundation
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