Printer photographer Michael Martinez is the SEO title for this post. But it is hard to describe Michael in a title. Because his creativity seems too broad to categorize. For instance, he modifies old classic iPods. And I mean he tweaks those things! Michael adds Bluetooth and amplification. In fact, that subject alone could be another podcast. And that is why I wanted to have a conversation with Michael Martinez. He gets me thinking. And I hope this conversation does the same for you.
Related Links
Michael Martinez on, and web. A podcast with our mutual friend Frank Nunez.
Stencil artist Lawrence Limtao, makes mesmorizing things with cardboard and spray paint. In fact, he makes art at events all over California.
In the first place I met Lawrence at a skatepark. Adjacent to the 605 and 91 freeway is a little skateboardpark called Caruthers or Bellflower. I used to skate there many a morning with my old friends from Skatopia. Many older skaters choose the early morning session for its lack of crowds.
Eventually we got to know three skaters. And those skaters were Anthony, Allen , and Lawrence. We would ask them how they could be skating on a school day. And they told us that they were home-schooled.
Well, one of those kids turned out to be Lawrence from Spank. And his art can be found on skateboards all around the world. In fact if you attend a local skate event in Southern California, you are likely to run into Lawrence. Check out our conversation.
Photographer Frank Nunez, and I were in a photo class at Cypress College a few years ago. And I always liked his images. In fact, I was curious about his photographic process. But we never really had the chance to speak at length. He agreed to do a podcast (back then) but time ran out and he was off to San Francisco Art Institute.
Next years went by and the Covid-19 virus forced the world to socialize via videoconference. Then I invite Frank to a group photographer chat on zoom. And I realized I’d still like to have a conversation with Frank Nunez.
Artist/skateboarding pioneer, Jana Payne-Booker first pioneered women’s skateboarding during the 1970’s. And later worked in the Disney Imagineering department as an artist. Jana’s podcast covers, skateboarding, identity, art and recovery.
In fact, we conducted an audio conversation about 7 or 8 years ago for And today she informed me of the importance of that previous interview. In fact, during our previous conversation, she decided to publicly talk about the negative aspects of being a female skateboarder. Negative aspects that included being molested by her skateboarding coach. And the journey she endured to find her way out of that place.
Finally, this might sound like a heavy story. And when you hear this conversation you might agree that Artist/skateboarding pioneer, Jana Payne-Booker holds nothing back. But it is also a story of finding one’s self. I hope you enjoy the second conversation I have had with the great Jana Payne-Booker.
technical note
The first 2 minutes or so of this podcast contains some silence. So in plain English, the record button was on and our computers were syncing up. And why not edit the silence out? The videoconference system compresses the video and audio so I don’t want to re-compressing the content.
Skateboard Photographer Chris Dangaard, talks about what lead him into photography. In fact, Chris’s love of images began with editing video and early photo compositing machines. Chris also talks about the danger and challenges of taking skateboard pictures during a pandemic. So how did this graphic designer get into skateboard photography? Well, give this podcast a listen.
And by the way, this the first podcast I have created since the outbreak of covid-19. In order to protect my family and Chris’s family I conducted this conversation via videoconferencing. So there is a video version of this podcast as well, which you can find under the audio podcast.
Skateboard Photographer Chris Dangaard video version
Photographer Aydinaneth Ortiz, uses photography to document her personal life
Photographer Aydinaneth Ortiz uses her camera to explore her life. In fact, she takes pictures of her family. And creates a story of what families go through. As a matter of fact, some call it domestic photography.
For one thing, this can be a good way to explore one’s family dynamics. And, it could be helpful when coping with difficult family situations.
Through photography each family constructs a portrait-chronicle of itself” -Susan Sontag
Aydi’s tenacity and selfless dedication towards her family is an inspiration to me. I hope you enjoy this podcast with photographer Adynaneth Ortiz.
Photographer Musician Ronnie Mendoza is one of the first people I look for while attending a John Stamos function. That is to say, he is an old friend of John’s and I always enjoy talking photos, music and past adventures with him. But I rarely get to talk at length with Ronnie.
So I thought I would ask Ronnie to do this podcast (so I could pry some “story” out of him). And I am happy to say that It was worth it.Because Ronnie Mendoza has seen a few things over the decades he has been involved with photography.
Journalist Robyn Flans connects us to the greatest drummers in the world. And, she shows no sign of stopping. Re-connect with us in this podcast about drumming and elsewhere. I hope you enjoy our conversation.
How does a non-drummer ask all the right questions?