Category: journalistic photography

photographer Christian Millan Part 2

Small Space Portrait Photography

Small Space Portrait Photography podcast topics, Sandy Skoglund, cats and topless models, finding models, finding places to show your work, finding old pictures on old hard drives, The way you used to shoot compared to how you shoot today, photos that look good but do not mean as much, cerritos college, cypress college, long beach …

photographer Eric Benson Part 1 Photography Therapy

Photography Therapy i Had a conversation with Eric Benson

Photography Therapy podcast topics, Star Wars gear doesn’t matter photography therapy Stacy Flanders morning photo walk a landscape photographers process, nd filter challenges for photographers in a era when bystanders can publish a picture faster, photoshop, lightroom, super moon, rain and photography, printing photos, stock photography, the grateful dead, concert photography, instagram, bringing your camera …

photographer Christian Millan Part 1

photographer Christian Millan, Art Job Affect on Personal Art

Art Job Affect on Personal Art podcast topics ZOOM H4n home recording studio overhead mics tape recorder photography job catalog photography portrait photography fashion editorial photography photographing people Instagram Model Mayhem Facebook smoking portrait series soft box side lighting cigarette smoke marijuana smoke drone photography Vinnie Banh skateboard related links check out Christians photography website …